A safe and respectful working environment for employees, based on principles of inclusiveness, growth and empowerment: IGPDecaux's commitment to its team
Taking responsibility means committing oneself, personally and seriously, to achieving a number of specific objectives in relation to what is included in one's Code of Ethics and Fundamental Charter of Values

IGPDecaux è un datore di lavoro responsabile e pone particolare attenzione su rispetto dei valori sociali fondamentali, cultura esemplare della salute e della sicurezza, sviluppo e realizzazione dei collaboratori, diversità e inclusione.
Applichiamo il Codice Etico del Gruppo JCDecaux e seguiamo direttive sempre più evolute sul fronte della scelta dei fornitori e della protezione dei dati personali (GDPR). Dal 2007 inoltre, IGPDecaux è certificata SA8000.

If social responsibility means operating in such a way as to fulfil one's duties towards society as a whole, the first responsibility of any company is towards its employees. We want everyone who works for IGPDecaux to know that they can count on a safe and respectful environment for everyone.
IGPDecaux is founded on the expertise of tenacious and creative professionals who work for the betterment of the company and themselves, driven by common interests and shared goals: we believe in the collaboration between the company and individuals, in the mutual commitment to pursuing common goals and in promoting a culture of responsibility and fully ethical behaviour.